Difference between Capacitor and Supercapacitors: Things one must know

Capacitors and supercapacitors are essential electronic components used for energy storage. Despite serving the same purpose of storing electrical energy in the form of electrostatic charge, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will provide detailed explanations of the construction, operation, types, and applications of capacitors and supercapacitors, as well as the key differences between them.

Difference between Capacitor and Supercapacitors: Things one must know

What is a Capacitor?

A capacitor is a two-terminal passive electronic component used for storing electrical energy. It is built using two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material. The two conducting wires are connected to the metal plates, which are called terminals of the capacitor. When a voltage is applied to the capacitor, an electric field is generated between the plates that polarize the dielectric material, thereby charging the capacitor.


Capacitors can be built using a variety of materials, including paper, ceramic, tantalum, and aluminum. The type of dielectric material used in a capacitor influences its electrical properties, such as capacitance, insulation resistance, and voltage rating.


Capacitors have diverse applications, such as power supplies, filters, and timing circuits. They can also be utilized as energy storage devices when combined with batteries to provide a quick burst of power when needed.


Ceramic, electrolytic, film, and tantalum are some of the capacitor types available. Each type has unique characteristics, including capacitance range, voltage rating, and temperature stability.

What is a Supercapacitor?

A supercapacitor, also known as an ultracapacitor, is a type of capacitor with a capacitance value much higher than that of conventional capacitors. The basic structure of a supercapacitor is similar to that of a conventional capacitor, but it uses electrodes with a larger surface area.


Supercapacitors are usually constructed using electrodes coated with an active carbon material that provides a high surface area for energy storage. Instead of using a dielectric material, a supercapacitor utilizes a separator between its electrodes, which is an ion-permeable membrane that provides insulation and enables ion exchange between the electrodes.


Supercapacitors can store and release electrical energy much faster than conventional capacitors, making them ideal for high-power applications. They also have a longer lifespan and can be charged and discharged more times than conventional capacitors.


Supercapacitors can be classified into two types: electrochemical and hybrid. Electrochemical supercapacitors store energy through the electrostatic attraction of ions to the electrode surface, while hybrid supercapacitors combine both electrostatic and electrochemical mechanisms for energy storage.

Key Differences Between Capacitor and Supercapacitor

Energy Density:

The energy density of a capacitor refers to the amount of energy that can be stored per unit volume. Supercapacitors have a much higher energy density than conventional capacitors due to their larger surface area and unique electrode materials, which enable them to store more charge per unit volume. This makes them ideal for applications that require high energy density, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy systems.

Power Density:

Power density refers to the amount of power that can be delivered per unit volume. Supercapacitors can deliver much higher power output than conventional capacitors due to their ability to release energy quickly. This enables them to deliver high power output in short bursts, making them ideal for applications that require high power density, such as electric vehicles and power electronics.

Charge Time:

Charge time refers to the time it takes for a capacitor or supercapacitor to charge or discharge. Supercapacitors have a much shorter charge time than conventional capacitors due to their ability to store and release energy quickly. This makes them ideal for applications that require fast charging and discharging times, such as renewable energy systems and electric vehicles.

Voltage Limits:

Voltage limits refer to the maximum voltage that a capacitor or supercapacitor can handle. Supercapacitors have lower voltage limits than conventional capacitors due to their unique electrode materials and construction. This restricts their use in applications that require high voltage levels, such as power electronics and some renewable energy systems.


Capacitors and supercapacitors have a wide range of applications in various industries. Capacitors are typically used in low-power applications, such as power factor correction, filter circuits, and motor starter circuits. On the other hand, supercapacitors are typically used in high-power applications, such as electric vehicles, UPS, and renewable energy systems.

The following table summarizes the key differences between a capacitor and a supercapacitor:

Basis of DifferenceCapacitorSupercapacitor
DefinitionA passive circuit element that can store electrical energy in the form of electrostatic chargeA type of capacitor with very high capacitance value and low voltage rating, which stores charge and is known as a supercapacitor
ConstructionTwo conducting plates separated by a dielectric mediumTwo conducting plates separated by a separator (an electrolytic solution) instead of dielectric
ElectrodesMade up of a metallic conductorActivated carbon coated electrodes
Mechanism of energy storageStored electrostatically onlyStores electrical energy either electrostatically or electrochemically or hybrid
Dielectric materialCeramic, polymers, mica, paper, or aluminium oxides, etc.Activated carbon between electrodes. Double electric field acts as a dielectric
TypesElectrolytic capacitors, film capacitors, paper capacitors, ceramic capacitors, etc.Electrostatic double layer capacitors, electrochemical pseudo-capacitors, and hybrid supercapacitors
Capacitance valueLowRelatively high
Voltage ratingHighRelatively lower
Energy density in Wh/kgRelatively low, usually between 0.01 Wh/kg to 0.05 Wh/kgComparatively high, usually ranges from 1 Wh/kg to 5 Wh/kg
Charging & discharging timesRange from picoseconds to millisecondsVary from milliseconds to seconds
Operating temperatureAbout -20 °C to +100 °CAbout -40 °C to +85 °C
Form factorSmall to largeSmall form factor
CostCheaperHigh cost
ApplicationsPower factor correction, filter circuits, coupling and decoupling of signals, motor starter circuit, oscillators, etc.Used in UPS, RAM, CMOS, laptops and other handheld devices to stabilize power supply, LED flashlights of digital cameras, etc.

Capacitors and supercapacitors are both important components in electrical and electronic systems. While they share a common purpose of storing electrical energy, there are several key differences between them that make each one suitable for different applications. By understanding these differences, it is possible to choose the right type of energy storage component for a particular application.


In conclusion, capacitors and supercapacitors are two important passive electronic components used for energy storage. Although they both store electrical energy in the form of electrostatic charge, they have significant differences in construction, operation, and performance. Capacitors consist of two conducting plates separated by a dielectric material, while supercapacitors use activated carbon coated electrodes and a separator instead of a dielectric material.

Supercapacitors have a much higher energy density and power density than conventional capacitors, allowing them to store and release energy much faster and more efficiently. They can be charged and discharged quickly, making them suitable for high-power applications that require quick charging and discharging times. However, their lower voltage limits restrict their use in high-voltage applications.

Capacitors, on the other hand, are used in low-power applications such as filters, coupling and decoupling of signals, and motor starter circuits. They have a high voltage rating and can provide a quick burst of power when needed.

Both capacitors and supercapacitors have a wide range of applications in various industries, including energy storage systems, electric vehicles, power electronics, and renewable energy systems. Supercapacitors are typically used in high-power applications, while capacitors are used in low-power applications.